10 Problems When Selling Your Home


There are multiple reasons why individuals have problems when it comes to selling their home.

Many of them are related to the amount of time it takes to attend to the tasks of the buying and selling process, something that real estate professionals do. We are going to tell you some of the reasons.

Individuals: Problems When Selling Your Home

1. Deal With Many People

The sale of a home in the end makes one have to answer a multitude of questions, talk with each other and various negotiations:

  • With the buyer, who most of the time wants to lower the price as much as possible.
  • With the buyer’s agent, who is the person who represents you and naturally seeks the best conditions for your client.
  • The buyer’s lawyer, who decides to give his touch to the contract.
  • The company that makes the certification, which is the one that must prepare the certification label that is needed before putting it on sale.
  • Sometimes the owner’s bank, which is dedicated to managing the mortgage on the home to which it is transferred.
  • The false buyers, who only visit to find out the price of the house and gossip.

In short, you have to spend time with each of these groups of people and you must know how to defend your interests against the requests of each one of them. This is one of the big problems when it comes to selling your home.

2. You Do Not Know How The House Should Be Prepared Before Showing It

  • A series of tasks must be carried out so that the home is ready when you want to sell, in most cases, common sense issues that many owners do not think of unless someone advises them.
  • The rooms must be tidied up.
  • Paint the walls.
  • Proceed to carry out the repairs that are needed.
  • Cleaning floors and carpets in the house.
  • Lamps and bulbs must be changed when they do not work.
  • We must remove personal items, photographs, pictures or souvenirs.

3. Qualify Potential Buyers

Individuals of course do not do research on the potential buyer. They do not know if you have the economic capacity to buy the home or if you are a person who is in the first stage of finding a home or needs to buy in a short period of time.

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We can say that they are even some people who call to see the house, but enter it without even identifying themselves.

In the end, the real estate companies are the ones that offer greater security to the potential buyers they represent since they are pre-qualified.

4. Sometimes It Is Difficult To Answer Buyer Questions

Each buyer is different and they can ask very different questions, from basic questions to more specific ones, which the owners in some cases do not know how to answer.

Buyers are not only interested in the condition of the home or its characteristics, they seek to know more information and what will happen if they decide to start the purchase process.

5. Not Realizing That Time Is Money

There are operations that only last a few weeks and that have good results for the homeowner.

When it has been on the market for more than a month, the house begins to lose value. In the end, each house has a maximum number of buyers and they already know its price.

6. The Issues Of Contracts

Sales contracts between the parties are sometimes not available to everyone.

There are many clauses that must be taken into account in addition to mortgage issues, possible inheritances, capital gains and other types of taxes that affect each of the parties involved in the purchase.

There are many buyers who do not complete the purchase because they do not trust the contract that the owner draws up.

7. Use Of New Technologies And Tools Of A Professional Nature

The real estate advisor is currently an expert in marketing, his training is dedicated to using tools for this purpose.

In case they do not have the knowledge, they are dedicated to hiring professionals in the field.

Photographic or video services are often carried out in many cases with professional cameras and even by professional photographers who in this way allow snapshots to be taken superior to those that an individual could take.

8. Establish The Market Price

A private owner may know the price of the apartments that are sold in the area and the normal thing is to set a similar or higher price.

If you put a slightly more inflated price in case it then trades lower, what happens is that you are putting a price really out of the market.

Real estate agents usually have verified data on the homes that are sold and those that are not sold in their area, so they have knowledge to know the prices at which the sale of the same can be achieved.

9. Limited Diffusion Of The Particular Advertisement

An individual puts the house advertisement on several portals, since many allow it and it can be done for free.

If you want to have a good presence on these portals, it has a cost and in recent years portals that only allow publication through specialized agencies when carrying out property management have proliferated.

This is one of the problems when selling your home that individuals must face.

The most common is to work exclusively, with the exclusivity of the management falling on the real estate and specifically on the real estate advisor who is assigned to the property, the best way for real estate professionals to focus on the sale of the property.

10. Close The Sale

Before the real estate transaction is closed, we must take the following things into account:

  • The technical supervision of the house must have been satisfactory.
  • The contract must be approved by the purchasing party, something essential.
  • It must be verified that the buyer has at the end the amount to face the financing of the house.
  • It is necessary to be aware that the calculations of the taxes and the costs of the notary’s office fit us and are correct.

As you have seen, individuals have many problems when it comes to selling their home, the quickest way to solve it is to request the services of a real estate professional who will facilitate the sale of the home.


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