3 Tips For Creating Strong Mailers

3 Tips For Creating Strong Mailers

The average American household receives a lot of mail. In fact, according to the United States Postmaster General, most mailboxes are filled with 454 pieces of marketing mail per year. If your mailer to stand out from the stack so that recipients actually act on it, here are three tips that can help:

1. Tailor your message

While a mailer message cannot be as specific as a message you send out via email, you can still find ways to hyper-focus your mail campaign message. At the same time, make sure the offer is clear and easy to act upon in the messaging. This will increase the chances that your recipients will want to respond.

2. Remember that presentation is important

The first thing your recipients will notice is how your mailer looks. Make sure that you are thinking about the size of the mailer, the paper, the color and the design. You can also think about unique mailer opportunities that will help to catch the attention of recipients, such as magnet mailers.

3. Ensure your mail list is specific

Direct mail had an average response rate of 9% for house lists. Marketing professionals agree that at least 40% of that success relies on the quality of the list you are using. You want to be as targeted as possible by narrowing down your list based on geographies, ages, genders, income levels, and even homeownership based on the specifics of your product or service.


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