4 Blockchain Career Opportunities in the Blockchain Industry

Blockchain Industry

Blockchain is one of the most in-demand technologies in the industry. If you were afraid that you came to know about the technology late, let’s tell you that your fear is irrelevant. 

Blockchain technology is a fast-growing technology, with ubiquitous applications in the industry. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies saw the first full-fledged application of the technology in 2009. Since then several cryptocurrencies have emerged and other applications as a sole technology or integrating blockchain with other technologies. 

Companies from various industries —finance, supply chain, media and entertainment, advertising — are integrating blockchain technology to improve their processes, reduce cost, and increase performance. Venezuela conducted online voting on a blockchain-based application. Walmart in collaboration with IBM has built a Hyper-ledger-based blockchain network to track the food supply chain, which adds more transparency to Walmart’s supply chain, making it easier to trace every food item sold by the company. 

Blockchain development and cryptocurrency roles are in high demand across the industry, so much so that LinkedIn ranks blockchain skills as the most needed skills for 2020. Demand for blockchain skills grew by 28% between 2018 and 2019.

In a nutshell, there are still opportunities in blockchain development. All you need is a skillet to deliver up to the expectations of the employers. 

Career opportunities in the blockchain industry 

The following are common roles in the blockchain industry. 

1. Blockchain developer 

These are builders of blockchain applications. Similar to software developers, these professionals require an understanding of computer science, programming, and a comprehensive understanding of development. Knowledge of various blockchain development platforms like Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda, and more is essential to succeed in this role.

You will also need a strong knowledge of C++ and Solidity. Most blockchain developers work on dApps (decentralized applications), smart contract development, blockchain network, and other blockchains -related development. 

Certified Blockchain Engineer (CBE), Certified Blockchain Expert (CBE), Certified Blockchain Developer (CBD) are a few globally –renowned blockchain certifications that will make you stand out in this role. CBE is offered by the Central Blockchain Council of America and is a proof of high –level of competence in technical blockchain skills. CBE and CBD are offered by the Blockchain Council are 

2. Blockchain security architect 

Blockchain is inherently highly secure due to the extensive use of cryptography and sophisticated consensus mechanisms. Though chances of breaking into a blockchain network are extremely less, there have been security violations. After all, developers are humans and can make mistakes in protocols. 

A blockchain security architect understands the intricacies of blockchain algorithms, various consensus mechanisms (proof of stake, proof of work, Delegated proof of work, and more), and cryptography (SHA 26, hash Functions, private -key, and public-key cryptography). The architect uses his/her knowledge to safeguard data and transactions by making the network temper -proof made on the blockchain network. 

3. Blockchain legal and regulatory compliance practitioners 

Blockchain is a sophisticated technology with a potential for high-level of misuse. Thus, regulations have been put in place, especially concerning cryptocurrencies. A legal practitioner with the knowledge of blockchain technology and laws surrounding it guides companies to comply with regulations and laws.

Unique laws are being created across different countries. Blockchain legal practitioners with the knowledge of blockchain and understanding of laws can help create laws that regulate innovation without compromising ethics. 

Further, not all laws can be coded in smart contracts. Law practitioners are needed to create effective agreements between parties. 

4. Business Blockchain Professional

Blockchain technology is increasingly becoming a strategic priority for companies to keep pace with the advancement of the industry. Businesses need professionals who understand the needs of the business and see through the development and implementation of the technology. 

This role requires business administration and management skills as well as a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology. 

Seasoned business professionals can weigh the pros and cons of using blockchain technology and see how it can effectively streamline a business process, reduce cost, and/or increase productivity. Business Blockchain Professional (BBP) is a globally –recognized blockchain professional certification from the Central Blockchain Council of America (CBCA) that proves your competence as a business professional in the blockchain industry. 

 Wrapping up!

The blockchain industry is growing fast. While the adoption of blockchain is increasing across the industry, it offers promising job opportunities for people from all spheres of the industry. If you’re looking for a fast-growing career, the blockchain industry is the way to go!  


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