7 Most Important PPC Metrics You Should Be Tracking


A PPC marketing campaign’s foundation can be laid on the key performance metrics. Investing in a PPC campaign can be successful or failure and it can be tracked by these metrics. Sometimes these metrics are not given too much importance by a lot of trades.

There is a need to dispose of a lot of data while managing a PPC campaign. However, data can be prevented from being identified and measured if PPC marketing’s impact is measured by some other factors that are complicated also.

It is true that you will expect a very good outcome from your campaign because you have invested your money for the PPC campaign. So, for your marketing strategy it is very essential to track its performance.

If the outcome is not according to your expectations then you will feel very bad because your money and time has been wasted on it. The performance of the money spent by you can be gauged by tracking the key performance metrics of your PPC campaign. By doing this all the above issues can be resolved by you.

Now I am going to tell you 7 most important PPC metrics you should be tracking.

1.Number if clicks – A lot of importance should be given to two metrics known as impressions and clicks if your PPC campaign’s main objective is making some improvements in brand awareness. By using paid ad click your sale can be increased. The amount of money spent by you will decide how many clicks you will get. You may want to increase the search volume by spending more money if there is an increase in the number of clicks. But if the keywords and text are not good then there can be a decrease in the number of clicks.

2.Use of cost per click (CPC) – The success of your PPC campaign depends on one more metric known as cost per click. Here if your paid ad is clicked by a person then for each click you have to pay a definite amount of money. For different industries there are different CPCs. With the growth in some industries there is an increase in the CPCs also in recent years. The used keywords’ competitiveness serves as a base for your CPCs. To keep the important keywords competitive your bids need to be increased by you and for attracting the traffic that is more targeted long-tail keywords should be used by you but it should be done whenever there is an increase in your CPC.

3.Measuring click-through rate (CTR) – If you are measuring how many times an ad is clicked whenever it is shown then it is known as the click-through rate (CTR).

CTR = clicks/impressions.

For instance, if the ad is displayed 100 times and somebody clicks on it 50 times then:

CTR = 50/100 * 100

    = 50 %.

It is a possibility that every day or every week or every month there is a variation in the CTR. On the basis of an ad or a keyword you can evaluate the CTR.

4.Assigning quality score – There are certain attributes on the basis of which the keywords are assigned a number by Google and this number is known as the quality score. The attributes are:

·         Your keyword’s past CTR

·         The landing page’s quality

·         If the keyword is relevant to the ad text

Your ad’s position can be determined on the basis of the bid amount of the keyword as well as the quality score as considered by Google. It is very difficult for Google to calculate exactly where the ad is placed. Your competitor may be having a higher bid but you can jump his ad if you have a higher quality score.

We can say that if the searchers are provided the best experience by some advertisers then their ad will get the highest position.

Your quality score can be increased by several ways: 

·         By creating ad groups that are tightly organised

·         Keyword rich landing pages may be receiving traffic that should be sent by you

·         The ad text must include keywords

·         Use CTAs

5.Share of impressions – Your ads may be receiving potential impressions and their total percentage is measured by impression share. For instance, if for a particular keyword your ad is shown 700 times in 1000 searches, then

Impressions share = 700/1000*100

                             = 70 %.

We can also say that impression share is lost by 30 %.

There are 2 categories in which lost impression share can be broken down:

·         If budget is responsible for the loss of impression share

·         If ad rank is responsible for the loss of impression share

On the basis of the above 2 categories you can get a chance of getting a good ad position by increasing the quality score, increasing the bids or increasing the daily budget.

6.Checking conversion rate – Your campaign’s success depends on the conversion rate. The rate at which average number of people visiting your website are converted into customers or leads is known as the conversion rate. For example, if 100 people have visited your website and 30 people purchased from your online shop then

Conversion rate = 30 %.

It will be very good for your company if the conversion rate is higher.

7.Checking your cost per conversion – For getting a lead or sale you may be paying some amount of money which is called as cost per conversion. Suppose that you have paid $100 on clicks and got 5 leads then

Cost per conversion = 100/5 = $20.

If the average price of an item is very low like $20 for a t-shirt then the cost per conversion will be very high. But if the average price of an item is very high like $2000 for a warehouse shelving then the cost per conversion will be very low. Therefore, if you are running a PPC campaign then the cost per conversion can not have a definite value.

If you want to increase the company revenue or boost conversions then you can take the help of PPC agency India.  


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