How to Effectively Manage Your Windows Server Backups?


When it comes to data, one can never be too sure about its safety. With so many threats of data loss, one has to be sure about its data protection strategy and must ensure that proper steps are taken for the protection of data.

If you have been administering servers for a long time, you must second this as you most likely must have experienced or heard someone who lost data due to either, hardware failure, software failure, computer virus, ransomware, natural disaster or simply human error. So, in order to avoid all this, having Windows Server backups and managing them is vital.

How to Effectively Manage Your Windows Server Backups?

The Impact of Data Loss Without Windows Server Backup

When an organization or a business loses its data, the impact can range from a loss of productivity as employees would have to re-create all of their data or wait for it to be restored, both of which are not ideal, to a complete financial collapse of the company itself.

In between these two extreme scenarios are costly downtimes that result from restoring or rebuilding your data, not to mention delayed responses to customer inquiries, and the overall negative perceptions your users and clients will have of your organization as a whole. So, this is not ideal and of course, no one wants that.

Unfortunately, most people and organizations take backups seriously only after they have experienced the impact of losing their data which is of course not advisable. Without Windows Server backup it’s inevitable and it will happen sooner or later, and therefore you must be prepared by implementing a backup strategy and executing it properly when the time comes.

Windows Server Backup Strategy Considerations

When it comes to backups, determining exactly what needs to be backed up, the frequency and types of backups, and also where they are stored (onsite/offsite/cloud) should all be part of your backup strategy for Windows Server Backup.

In addition, you must also consider all the roles performed by the servers on the network. The roles assigned to a server can dramatically change their configuration, what you back up, and the frequency the backup is performed. So, all of this needs to be taken under consideration.

Other than this, you also need to consider the impact that the backups will have on users as well as the ability to keep critical applications running. Users need to get their work done efficiently, so critical applications cannot be taken down under any circumstances in order for a backup to be performed.


All these considerations and management tips can help businesses and organizations greatly in managing their Windows Server backups greatly and ensuring that data is backed up swiftly without it impacting other critical operations.

To take care of all this, StoneFly offers Windows Server backup appliances that are high performance and affordable which also gives organizations added plus features as well such as advanced encryption, data deduplication, snapshots and much more.


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