How to Write a Dissertation Proposal

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If you need Dissertation assignment help or are looking for dissertation help online, keep reading, this will be a useful article for you. The first step to writing a dissertation is to have a dissertation proposal. A dissertation proposal is an outline on how you plan to work on your dissertation. It is the first step to getting started with a dissertation. Dissertation proposal initiates a general scope of your research. Dissertation help would be provided by mentors or it could be accessed by dissertation help online but for that first you need a proposal. To justify your research into the chosen topic, set a time frame and help provide clarity. Most dissertation proposals are around 10-15 pages long. This is your step by step dissertation guide, let’s start

Writing A Dissertation Proposal

  1. Thinking bulb is blinking

To start with a dissertation or a dissertation proposal the foremost requirement is an idea. Everything is centered around it. Find what intrigues you. Do what helps inspiration strike, look around you, go to the library, read journals and magazines and attend webinars and seminars.

  1. Be so specific your research would answer only one question

Vagueness would make your dissertation lose focus, your proposal must clamp down on the very thing you are trying to establish with it. Don’t be too general with your research proposal.

  1. Structure
  • Introduction

Introduction would have three parts. Hook, Context, Aim.Hook to draw the reader in. The hook could be a question, it could be a less known fact, whatever draws them in.

  • Context

Nothing exists without its surroundings. Explain the context. What does the already established data present? Background information is necessary to understand the question your research seeks to answer.

  • Aim and objectives

This should be clearly identifiable to the reader and the researcher. Ensure that our aims and objectives are achievable

  • Methodology

This part shall elaborate on how you plan to acquire your data, and also what kind of data do you plan to acquire? Is the methodology valid? Does it have any loops that may muddle with the results? Your methodology might be empirical or theoretical. Often it is both. 

  • Empirical research

This methodology works with new data that is acquired. It is collected specifically to work with on your research. This data can be in numbers or words (qualitative and quantitative).

  • Theoretical research

This methodology works with already collected data and tends to draw connections and relevance to your research paper.

  • Aims and Objectives

As explained in the introduction. A similar brief mention of your aims and objectives. Remember don’t try to do everything. Keep your aims and objectives specific and concise. Ensure to write about what you hope to contribute via this dissertation. 

  • Literature review

This part requires going through already established data and research work. It is to ensure your work doesn’t clash or is repetitive. It not only helps prepare for your research but also quantifies the importance of what you’re going to be working on. Highlight limitations that your research addresses. Include parts of previous research, paraphrase them and keep it concise.

  • Limitations

Your dissertation might have limitations. It is important to address them. It is important to acknowledge how they would affect your work.

  • Ethical considerations

Ethical issues that may arise with your dissertation must be talked about here. Any other considerations regarding your research implications can be addressed here.

  • Time frame

There is only so much time one can spend on their dissertation, therefore it is important to establish a timeline. Set a timetable and that needs to be included in your proposal to convince them.

  • Conclusion 

Not necessary to include this but would be nice to round off with an inclusion of what your research does. 

  • Bibliography

This is different from a reference list. In a bibliography every source can be mentioned. Books you plan to read, have read or are relevant to the research topic. Studies mentioned or used to derive your data. It is important to keep a consistent reference style. Some common styles are APA, MHRA and Harvard.

  1. Starting out is the most difficult part

A dissertation is an independent project, you’re supposed to look out for yourself. With days passing by it could start feeling like a desert with every direction looking the same. A dissertation proposal is necessary as it also is like a mini version of your dissertation. You have already planned everything out, and step by step you can get through this. Start with the easier parts in your proposal. Introduction must be done at last, as the changes in your core parts might change up until the end. Literature review is the most time consuming part therefore advisable to start out early and establish a schedule. With little steps everyday this scary seeming task can be conquered with flying colours.

  1. Do not be afraid to free-write when hitting mental blocks

Free- writing without a structure gets thoughts flowing and can be later sorted into comprehensibility. It is overcoming the slack and mental blocks. Do not be harsh on your first draft, it is raw and therefore lacks the polish of a completed project.


So, this is all about dissertation assignment help or dissertation help online. Hopefully it will be helpful for you in making perfect dissertation assignment. 


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