Landing Page is the perfect landing page for successful sales

landing page design

The main goal of a commercial company is sales. Landing pages can play one of the most important roles on the path to high conversion of website visitors to customers. The landing page is the first thing that the user sees when they go to the site using a link from a banner, contextual advertising, or Yandex or Google search results. The page should interest the visitor and provide as much useful information about the product or service as possible and push them to place an order here and now.

A landing page (landing page, landing page) is a promo page with information about a product or service, created to achieve a specific goal.

There are several types of goals:

  • Keeping users interested in the company’s products or services. For example, an offer to download a brochure for free or watch a video. To access the content, the user must leave his contact information so that company representatives can contact a potential client and offer a product or service;
  • Converting visitors into customers here and now – direct sale of a product or service

A high-quality landing page has a high conversion, so its creation should be taken very seriously. The landing page will help with converting visitors from sources:

  1. Traffic from search – users will go from Yandex or Google search results to specially created pages, the content of the pages will fully respond to visitors’ requests.
    Contextual advertising – traffic will be directed from advertisements to landing pages optimized for the desired search phrases.
  2. Banner advertising – the source of the transition of users to landing pages can be banners posted on thematic sites.
  3. Email newsletters – potential customers will be directed to the landing page by clicking on the link in the letter.
  4. Transitions from social. networks – referrals from targeted ads or groups and communities.

The main task of a selling page is to perform a targeted action. Before creating a landing page, you need to determine what action will be targeted – buying a product, ordering a service, calling, requesting and focusing all the user’s attention on it. In order for the landing page to bring the maximum conversions, it must comply with certain rules and contain graphic elements. If you have an online store with a large list of goods or services, any of its pages can be a landing page, depending on the requests for which they are optimized. The most selling on such resources are product cards or service description pages.

Landing page structure

  • Heading – makes it clear what is on the page. When coming up with a headline, you can ask yourself and others if the headline is attractive enough to explore the page further. That said, write simple and short headlines. Use words and phrases that will bring users to you from search engines.
  • Main image – pictures improve the perception of the page and the site as a whole. The landing page should nudge the user towards the targeted action. For example, it might be a girl pointing to an application form.
  • Lead form – only place important fields to fill out. If the form contains more than 5 fields, the user usually does not fill it out. The presence of a large number of fields to fill out should be motivated and justified.
  • Call to Action Element – Encourage the prospect to take one action (or two). In most cases, it is better to leave one target action. Express yourself clearly (tell the user what he should do), do not make many call elements, use buttons (as a traditional element that all users understand).
    Good examples of button names: Add to cart, Sign up for a test drive, Sign up for a free consultation.
  • Benefits of the offer – if it is a long text, be sure to break it into blocks, highlight important information with subheadings and in bold.

This structure is not suitable for mobile phones. Also, depending on the type of business and the offer, there may be specific features of the page.

Features of mobile landing page

Before creating a separate version of the landing page for mobile users, check the statistics to see if you have such users.

Tips for optimizing your mobile landing page:

  • The page should display perfectly on the screens of all devices (tablets, smartphones)
  • It is better not to use Flash, html5, jQuery are more suitable.
  • The page should be lightweight and load quickly (5 seconds or faster). You can speed up page loading by optimizing the size and number of photos, and by reducing scripts on the page.
  • Structure your landing page: it shouldn’t have more than two columns, ideally one. The most important information should be placed at the top of the page.
  • Reduce the content on the mobile version of the page: leave 2-3 sentences. Provide the possibility of switching to an extended description, some users do not trust short descriptions, they need details.
  • The title in the mobile version should be no more than 4 words.
  • Use the quick communication function: when you click on the phone on the page, a call is made.
  • Use large elements to prevent the user from accidentally clicking the wrong button.
  • If your services and goods have a special link to location, you can use this: for example, show the user that he is 5 kilometers away from you (for example, for a cafe).
  • Forms on a mobile landing page should be several times shorter, as simple and straightforward as possible. It is also best not to force the user to leave an email.
  • It’s better to leave only one targeted action on a mobile landing page.

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How to check the performance of your landing page

Use the Google Analytics Experiments module to split test your landing page. A / B testing will help you continually improve your landing page and understand the needs of your audience.

To measure the effectiveness of your landing page, use the following metrics:

  • Refusals . Use Google Analytics filters to find traffic sources with the highest bounce rates. You might find ads that don’t match the landing page. Maybe the audience of a resource is not interested in your proposal. Or maybe only the owners of mobile gadgets leave your landing page. Mobile traffic is discussed below.
  • Unique visitors . This is the simplest criterion for the effectiveness of marketing activities. Please note that the number of unique visitors has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the landing page. However, this metric is needed to calculate your conversion rate.
  • Conversion rate . This criterion shows what percentage of landing page visitors take a conversion action. The higher the conversion rate, the more effective the landing page is.
  • Time on page . If a user stays on the landing page for a long time, then something is holding him back from buying. Maybe you should simplify the design and change the text.

Landing page validation checklist:

  1. Does the title of your landing page match your advertising message?
  2. Is the message in your landing page header focused on one goal?
  3. Check if a random person can understand this goal in 5-10 seconds?
  4. Does the logo and slogan of the company reflect who you are and what you do?
  5. Do you have a simple helper description to reinforce your headline?
  6. Do you use bulleted lists to describe the benefits of your product / service?
  7. Is there a relevant and original title image or video that demonstrates your product / service in action?
  8. Is the message of your page intelligible and clear to understand in a 30-second presentation?
  9. Has your main heading been phrased to answer the question “What is this page about?”
  10. Have you removed all inbound links to prevent visitor churn?
  11. Does your landing page explain why your product / service is unique? (USP)
  12. Does the description focus more on benefits than characteristics?
  13. Have you refrained from asking for optional information on the form?
  14. Do you explain what the value of your promotion is (discount amount, cash equivalent)?
  15. Do you have any use cases and user reviews of your product / service? (Recommendations and other trust factors)
  16. Do you provide several ways of contacting you (phone, email, chat)?
  17. Are you giving the user a clear understanding of what they will get by clicking on your call to action (CTA)?
  18. Does your landing page have a professional logo design agency?
  19. Does your landing page design match the visual style of your promotional materials? (Banners)
  20. Does this design match the style of your main website or brand?
  21. Do you use lightboxes that give the visitor the opportunity to get additional information without leaving the page?
  22. Do you have a link to the privacy policy and / or terms of use?
  23. Do you provide test samples of promotional items (for example, a preview of the first section of the book), if applicable?
  24. Do you display certifications, partner logos or security endorsements (like Verisign)?
  25. Is it possible to verify your statements and the given facts?
  26. Are you repeating your proposal on the form to make it clearer why fill it out?
  27. Are you using visual cues (eye direction or graphical arrows) to draw attention to your call to action?
  28. Is the call-to-action element large enough to stand out on the page when viewed from a distance of 1.5 meters?
  29. Is this element in contrast?
  30. Is it in a prominent position at the top of the page?
  31. Do you place next to the email field? mail in the form of a link to the privacy policy?
  32. Are you using the confirmation page to give your new referral visitor directions on how to proceed? (Share this page, stay tuned for our updates, download another book for free, register for this webinar …)
  33. If your offer is time-limited, are you making it clear to stimulate immediate visitor action?
  34. Are you creating a separate landing page for each source of visits (email, social, PPC) so you can see which one will generate the most conversions?
  35. If you are using a video, have you opted out of autoplay by giving control over the playback to a visitor?
  36. Does your video end with a call to action?
  37. Have you reduced the number of calls to action on your page to one? (If the page is long, then it can be repeated)
  38. If you invite people to register for a webinar, are you showing the number of already registered as social proof?
  39. Do not check this box if you have a popup at the exit.
  40. Are you doing A / B testing on your pages?
  41. Do you solicit feedback from your users to use when preparing your next test?
  42. If you have a multi-step process (for example, registration), do you make it clear to visitors? (30 seconds, 3 steps, etc.)
  43. Have you optimized your landing page so that your search ad quality score is above 7?
  44. Are you using separate landing pages for each promotion / campaign?
  45. Have you tested using a short page versus using a long page to determine how much information your visitors need to convert?
  46. Does your landing page follow the principle of unity, where every element on the page explains a single concept?
  47. Have you kept your landing page as simple and clear as possible? (Remove 50% of the original text, then halve what remains)
  48. Do not check this box if the button on your form says “Click here” or “Submit”.
  49. If you are using a form, have you placed it on a colored block so that it stands out clearly as the most important part of the page?
  50. Have you checked your page on friends and colleagues?



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