The Hidden Benefits of Online Piano Lessons

Online Piano Lessons

Are you thinking about taking piano lessons online? Having an online piano teacher comes with many great benefits ranging from convenience to saving time. You have the opportunity to learn right from the comfort of your own home. Many teachers have begun adapting to online teaching in recent months, and they were extremely surprised to learn just how effective teaching online actually is.

Better Prepared Lessons

Thorough planning is needed to be able to teach online. With in-person lessons, it is easy to move on to something else. However, with online lessons, being spontaneous is a bit more limited. It is not easy to just move on to something else, or take out a book and plop it in front of the student. 

However, even though these may sound like downsides of learning online, your teacher will be more prepared since planning is needed. Your teacher will also have a better idea of your musical development and progress. 

Better Communication Between Student and Teacher

Another great benefit of learning piano lessons online is that communication between the student and the teacher increases. Students are normally encouraged to be open with their teachers about their time requirements, struggles, triumphs, and other things.

Students are also encouraged to communicate with their teachers about how practice is going. Maybe it has been too slow for them, or too little. Some teachers even implement practice apps in their lessons which helps communication flow easier and quicker. It allows teachers to throw out some suggestions during the week. 

Intense Focus

Learning to play the piano online requires a lot of brainpower. Both learning and teaching require more listening and being attentive to all details. All of these things enhance focus for both the teacher and student. Since there is more of an increase in focus, the possibilities of learning also deepen.

Students will need to pay special attention to their instructor while he or she is demonstrating techniques. Students need to also listen carefully to any instructions given, so they can become self-reliant. 

Since the instructor cannot intervene physically, the student will need to use their listening skills more and be mindful of how they complete their exercises.

Independent Learners

Students learn how to become independent while taking online piano lessons since they are required to take charge more often than in in-person lessons. Even though students are being shown different things virtually, it is up to the student to write things down, practice, chart, etc. Students will form habits of making up their music from the jump. Writing things down makes them easier to remember in the future. 

Pianists that have been in this business for a long time will tell you that a key piece to learning a piece of music is to stay focused on score-related markings, whether it be thoughts or signs. 

Increased Responsibility

Online piano lessons require a lot of responsibility from the students, which may not be required with in-person lessons. Students need to be willing to take instruction and communicate well. Students also need to be patient and organized when learning new music pieces. 

Learning to play online from places such as Forbes Music Company, requires students to take charge of their learning. You must be able to adapt. Learning to be more responsible will give students a boost in their self-confidence.


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