Tips To Avoid App code Theft And Protect Your Developed Applications

Tips To Avoid App code Theft And Protect Your Developed Applications (5)

If you’ve developed an application for Android or iOS, you must have experienced the fear of losing your hard-earned source code to a hacker. It is no longer just about the app’s popularity and downloads but about how safe it is from being stolen by other developers. In this post, I will give some tips on how to avoid app code theft and protect your developed applications from being decompiled or decompiled into an encrypted binary file.

App code theft protection

Protecting your app from being decompiled is a good start, but there are other things you can do to make it harder for hackers to steal your code. One way is by compiling into an encrypted binary file. To do this, you will need to use an obfuscation tool like Proguard or DexGuard. An obfuscator makes it more difficult for hackers and reverse engineers because they will have to spend time figuring out how the code works before they can steal it and make changes that are undetectable by your app’s signature checks (which we’ll discuss next). Another way is by using code signatures in order to verify any changes made during runtime or when installing new updates onto existing devices that have been previously installed with the original version of your application without having access rights over them again after initial installation has occurred through official channels such as Google Play Store or Apple App Store systems where users download apps directly onto their smartphones/tablets instead of going through third parties websites where those applications may contain viruses/trojans etc., which could potentially damage our devices if downloaded inadvertently!

Protecting your app from being decompiled

There are several ways to protect your app from being decompiled. One of the most popular methods is to use obfuscation, which is a process that makes it difficult for other people to understand and decompile your code. This can be done by adding additional characters and numbers into your source code so that it becomes unreadable without special tools or knowledge of the language you’re using (such as Java or C++).

Another option is encryption, which involves encoding your entire application into an encrypted file format. This way only authorized users will be able to open and run it on their devices since they’ll need special decryption keys in order for them both decrypting process take place successfully before starting execution within memory space allocated by OS kernel itself so that nobody else can access those resources unless accessed directly via API calls made available only through trusted apps installed on device which means there won’t be any chance left either even if someone tried bypassing these protections with intention breaking security measures put in place by developers during development stage itself; thus making sure everyone else including outsiders won’t have access except those who belong inside circle where secrets are kept safely hidden away behind walls made up only four walls rather than five since fifth one wouldn’t exist anyways because nobody would want anyone else knowing about secret behind door number six!

Compiling into an encrypted binary file

Compiling your application into an encrypted binary file is the best way to protect your code. This process can be done using one of the following compilers:

  • GCC (GNU Compiler Collection)
  • Clang/LLVM (C-based compiler)

In order for this method to work, you’ll need to use an appropriate version of either GCC or Clang/LLVM that supports encryption during compilation. For example, if you’re using Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS with GCC 5.4 installed by default on it and would like to encrypt your compiled code with AES256 encryption algorithm then all you have got do is add “-fvisibility=hidden -fPIC -O3 -march=native” flags when compiling your source files using “gcc …” command line instruction where … represents path where .c/.cpp files exist in current directory

App code theft protection using obfuscation tools

You can use obfuscation tools to protect your code. Obfuscation is a process that makes it more difficult for someone to understand and modify the source code of an application. It’s like encryption, but instead of making the data unreadable, it makes it very hard to read by humans–even if they know what they’re looking at.

Obfuscation is not as effective as encryption when you want to keep people from modifying or stealing your app code in any way (e.g., decompiling). However, if you combine obfuscation with strong encryption (as we recommend), then this will be significantly more effective than either protection method alone!

Secure coding practices to avoid source code theft and protect your developed applications

  • Secure coding practices
  • Use a secure code repository
  • Use secure coding practices to avoid source code theft and protect your developed applications
  • source code theft protection.


We hope that this article has helped you understand how to avoid app code theft and protect your developed applications. We also recommend that you read our other articles on the topic, as well as check out our blog for more tips on how to secure your apps.



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