Wedding Videomaker: Which Is The Right One?


Wedding in sight? Here’s how to choose a wedding videomaker who guarantees an excellent memory for the event. If you are typing in Google “videomaker wanted” and “wedding videomaker”, first read our article. We explain what features a video camera operator must have to shoot a video of your wedding without nasty surprises. If, on the other hand, you are a young man with a passion for the camera, look for an excellent videomaker course and then start practicing in the field as a helper. You could become the next brilliant professional that couples getting married!

Wedding videomaker: 3 essential characteristics

The first golden rule when you are about to hire a videomaker for the filming of your wedding is: improvising is prohibited. If you are looking for a professional, this must be if not you might as well get some amateur videos made with your smartphone by your guests. And how is it established, you ask, that he is actually a professional? From the background and portfolio.

The videomaker has to tune in to the bride and groom, telling a story that goes beyond the day he will shoot. He must know the style of the ceremony, the musical taste of the spouses, he must put himself on the same length as their emotions to be able to interpret them.

The videomaker is a different professionalism than the photographer – explains on his blog, a professional of wedding videos – So the ideal is to have a photographer and a video maker on the wedding day and not the same figure engaged on two fronts.

The three characteristics of the ideal wedding videomaker?

1) A solid background made up of ad hoc training

An almost cinematic training given that modern technologies have allowed the evolution of the wedding film almost to a real filmic narration. This involves the knowledge of shooting, editing and post-production techniques and the ability to write a canvas with the story to tell (once the shooting is finished) also standardizing the audio and color grading (giving a unicum to the whole the story made up of “clips” of moments, colors, very different sets).

2) A portfolio that you can show to clients (future spouses)

This must be as professional and diversified as possible and from which the style of the professional can be deduced and how this is able to intersect with the style of ever-changing ceremonies, declining without distorting itself.

3) An adequate artistic sensitivity and knowledge of the regulations in force regarding video shooting

These are two fundamental aspects that must always be taken into consideration, especially if you want a “sui generis” wedding video or that includes, for example, the use of a drone to shoot.

Where to find the video maker for the wedding?

According to Create A Wikipedia Page Online you can do a quick search by including Google search key “wedding video maker” or the more generic “Wanted video makers”. Or thanks to good old word of mouth both in person and “virtual”. In this case, very useful are the interest groups on marriage, with free access if requested, which were created by future brides on Facebook and which overflow with useful advice and exchanges of ideas and contacts (from suppliers).

Before choosing the definitive freelance videomaker, it is advisable to keep in mind the available budget, personal tastes and the following type of services offered (usually). The price of the professional service depends on these:

One operator with one chamber (usually the cheapest alternative)

Two operators: 1 with a fixed camera and the other with a mobile camera (the shooting will be from different points of view and the editing will be multi-camera for a cinematic effect)

  • Shooting with drone
  • Premarital service
  • Special assembly

Finally, once you have chosen the operator for the ceremony, draw up and sign together a contract of engagement complete with every detail to avoid disputes. Indicate the delivery date and the type of material delivered (for example, not everyone delivers the full raw video), the down payments and balances due and everything that has been agreed upon during the interview.


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