10 Things College Athletes Should Concentrate on

College Athletes

Former and present athletes see the concentration and focus as important mental performance abilities. I’m sure you can recall a time in your life when you made a mistake due to a lack of attention or concentration, whether on or off the field.

Energy flows where attention goes.

Remember to practise and create the neural connections essential for mind mastery as you ring in the New Year. Consistent attention results in consistent achievement!

To harness the power of your mind and attention, use the methods listed below.

1. Use Positive Self-Talk

Self-talk can help you concentrate better. Self-talk that is both positive and instructive helps you stay grounded and focused in the current moment.

2. Cue Words

Cue words are a type of self-talk intended to elicit a response. When you’re trying to adjust or change a movement pattern, cue words come in handy. A volleyball player, for example, may use the cue phrases loaded and balanced to remind them to respond slowly to attacks on the other side of the net.

3. Awareness of the Present Moment

When athletes focus on events and experiences that are in the future, in the past, out of their control, or otherwise unrelated to the task, they lose concentration. Focus on your breath, utilize a mantra, focus on your inner body, become hyperaware of your surroundings, and submit to the emotion you’re experiencing as ways to stay in the moment.

“Energy flows where attention goes.” says anProfessor WilliamD. Benjamin, who is also an assignment and essay writing service provider.

4. Create a Routine

Routines may be used to focus attention, decrease anxiety, minimize distractions, and boost confidence before and during an event. Routines can assist in structuring the period leading up to and between performances, allowing you to remain mentally focused when it’s time to perform.

5. Take a Break from Your Work

Your mind requires rest and regeneration time. When learning a skill or completing any sort of job, you may strategically employ breaks. Schedule time and space for your thoughts to roam. Intervals are a good place to start. It’s up to you how you want to divide this time, but here are some ideas. Work or practice for 20 minutes, then takes a 5-minute rest. The Pomodoro Method is a method of working or practicing for 50 minutes and then taking a 10-minute rest.

6. makes a strategy for focusing on the competition

Athletes might create competition plans to prepare not just for their activities but also for what they would do in specific scenarios. Instead of focusing on result objectives, plans should focus on process goals. Detailed competition planning and rehearsals will help you gain confidence and improve your performance.

7. doesn’t be afraid to overlearn

Overlearning skills aids in their automaticity. Overlearning, according to research, makes it easier to complete several tasks at the same time by allowing you to focus your attention on other practice/game/work-related stimuli.

8. takes some time to meditate

Begin and maintain a regular meditation practice that focuses on improving your capacity to stay still, focus on various stimuli, and observe. This may be done in as little as 2 minutes, and you can progressively increase the time as you are able or wish. Meditation has been shown in studies to improve immunological function, happiness, self-control, concentration, and emotion regulation.

9. Concentrate (or diversify) you’re Attention

It’s more art than a science to know when to employ a broad or restricted focus. To improve your performance, you must learn from your mistakes and have the ability to alter your attention.

To Concentrate You is Attention: Make use of lists, outlines, and classifications, concentrate on a single goal, and proceed slowly.

To broaden your horizons, try the following: Maintain a positive attitude, concentrate on others/team, monitor your surroundings, and gather counter-evidence.

10. Free Yourself from Your Device

Although your phone is a useful tool, it may also cause bad attention habits and serve as a distraction. You must arrange your life up to promote concentration and focus if you want to get serious about it. Turn off alerts to avoid temptation. You don’t need to be constantly notified about everything.

You should be able to interact with your phone whenever you want or need to. You are adversely conditioning your mind and body to be distracted by irrelevant stimuli by continually responding to the ping of someone/something attempting to attract your attention. Turn off push notifications and put your phone in aeroplane mode for a while (especially at night). That message, snap, and photo will be there later, believe me.


Attention management is a skill that, when learned and practiced, may significantly improve an athlete’s performance both on and off the field. Take action on at least one of the techniques above this week to stack the deck in your favour! You must educate your mind and body to work for you rather than against you if you want to be the best version of yourself and achieve peak performance.

About Author:

Miller Kaiis a contributing writer to LiveWebTutors. He is a podcaster, style coach and has been a blogger and a professional blogger writing about educational skills, personal development, Assignment writing, and motivation since 2010. He operates a team of experts and qualified professionals who provide online essay help.      


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