3 Things You Should Know About Expert Witnesses

3 Things You Should Know About Expert Witnesses

Expert witnesses are commonly called upon to testify in various types of trials. Here are three things you should know about expert witnesses.

1. Two Types Of Expert Witnesses

There are two main types of expert witness. The first is a party appointed expert. This is someone who is appointed by one of the parties involved in the dispute. The second type is a single joint expert, who is appointed by one of the parties involved in the dispute. Both types of expert witnesses are typically required to provide evidence and must do so impartially. For example, a banking expert may be asked to provide his or her opinion on the evidence in a case and his or her area of expertise, but cannot comment on anything else.

2. Rules For Using Expert Witnesses

When you utilize an expert witness, make sure you follow all protocols related to doing so. Make sure your witness is aware of his or her duty of impartiality and will not have any conflicts of interest or accept any terms that may be conditional upon the case’s outcome.

3. Expert Witness Preparations

There are a few things you should do to prepare for using an expert witness. You should choose your expert witness carefully and make sure he or she is fully aware of what you need from him or her. Set realistic expectations and provide your expert witness with opportunities to practice giving his or her testimony. Take care to remind your expert witness that it’s more important to be truthful than to sound like a stereotypical expert. Your expert witness is allowed to say he or she doesn’t know, for example. You should also make sure you don’t rely only on your expert witness to support your entire argument. He or she can only be one piece of the puzzle.

Expert witnesses play a vital role in providing additional information on their respective areas of expertise to the tribunal or the court. 


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