7 Things to Consider When Buying Mixer Grinder


Appliances are one of the key aspects of any kitchen. These are the ones that can simplify your tasks to a great extent and make things less tiresome for you. Among the many kitchen appliances, mixer grinder is the most crucial requirement in every kitchen. If you are a beginner who is yet to understand all about a mixer grinder, you might need some help before buying your first kitchen companion. We suggest you to go through this guide to understand what you need to consider before purchasing one.

Wattageand Speed

Power is one of the main things to consider while buying a mixer grinder. The higher the wattage, the more ideal it is for grinding tough ingredients at a higher speed. Ideally, a wattage between 550 and 800 W is suitable for Indian kitchens.

Speed is another important factor to consider. This is calculated in RPM (Rotations Per Minute), which indicates the number of times the blade rotates per minute. A mixer with over 20,000 RPM is ideal for kitchen use. Most of the mixers come with 3-speed control so that you can vary it as per your needs. Also, look for one that has a pulse function, which runs the mixer in short bursts of high speed for quick grinding.

Overload Protection

Make sure the mixer grinder has a durable lock and comes with 100% safety when it is switched on. Most of the times, not having overload protection is dangerous to the user who might experience electric shocks and the mixer, which can get spoiled too soon. This is a feature that is similar to fuses in electrical bulbs. When there is an overload, the circuit is broken and the grinder stops working. However, with overload protection, your appliance won’t get damaged.

Safety of Food

You might know that essential vitamins and minerals are lost most of the time when the food comes in contact with heat. So, you need to make sure that your grinder doesn’t heat up too much while grinding food. This, again, depends on its overload protection and wattage. Moreover,look for appliances made of materials that are safe to put food into and do not lead to any contamination.

Number of Jars

Never forget the number of jars that come with the mixer grinder. If you can get at least three jars of different sizes, it would be perfect for processing different quantities of ingredients. Ensure that the jars are durable and break-resistant so that they can withstand the wear and tear. You can consider buying mixers with high-grade stainless steel or good quality glass jars. They should also come with handles that give a good grip for easy handling.


Even if you’ve shortlisted the world’s best mixer grinder in your hands, if it doesn’t come with a warranty, think twice before buying it. If a brand offers a good warranty, you can have 50% assurance that it is a good quality product that you are considering. While buying a mixer grinder, look for a warranty that is anywhere in the range of1-2 years.

High Quality

Going for a cheaper brand may seem satisfying at the moment. But, beware of multiple complications such as product damage or frequent repairs. With a good quality mixer grinder,you wouldn’t have to change it or repair it too often. Investing in an appliance of high quality can assure you that it will last for many years unlike a cheaper one that might break down in a few months. Avoid low quality mixers as ultimately, it will be waste of money.

Service Network

Service network is very important for any of the kitchen appliances that you buy and it is no different for mixer grinders. Never go for a product that claims not to offer any after-sales service! You will be surprised to know that this is where most products lack and fail to impress. So, take that time to research your options very well and then make a pick. Choose a brand that has a vast service network.

Now that you know what all you need to consider while buying a mixer grinder, research the options available and make a well-informed choice. Compare the prices online and offline so that you can get the best deal.


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