What is FSSAI? – Food Safety and Standards Authority of India


In today’s world, we come across several things, but we are not aware of all those things. The same is the case with several things that are related to our daily life, like the food we eat, and it is connected with the term FSSAI. But unfortunately, not everyone knows about it.

What is FSSAI? - Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

So if you are also unaware of the term FSSAI and want to know about it or for gaining more information about it, do follow this article till the end. As in this article, we are going to discuss several things about FSSAI, such as it’s full-form, works & benefits, and many more things.

What is FSSAI?

Let us first start with expanding FSSAI to its complete name that is the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. I am sure that you must have got the hint about the work of this authority of India with its name. But those who are unable to extract it, let me tell them that it is an authority that’s created by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of India. The main reason behind the creation of this authority is to offer better food safety feature to all over India and to make sure about the high standards of food being supplied all over India.

What is FSSAI? - Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

The FSSAI was established in 2006. Anything that is regarding the public health and it’s the protection that would be inter-linked with FSSAI. There are FSSAI licenses that are offered by this authority to several organizations for a smooth and regular flow of work. Although protection and promoting better public health is this authority’s primary motive, there are several other works that it offers. Let us have a look at all those works that this authority does.

Functions of FSSAI-

Let us have a look at all the functions offered by FSSAI-

  • The first and most important function that is being done by the FSSAI is that it controls and creates all the rules and regulations with the help of which they can enhance the food standards and safety all over India. Moreover, they also keep a thorough look at almost every food preparation organization. With the help of which they could know whether that organization is offering its services unto the required standards or not.
  • As I have already mentioned about food license, which is also called the FSSAI license, they also have to select all the certification bodies which are connected with FSSAI in their purpose. They also have a keen look at their work too. So to know that are these certification bodies working or not.
  • For having a look at the food standards and safety, FSSAI needs to have several highly advanced laboratories where all the checking thing happens. As FSSAI or the certification bodies collect samples from food-producing organizations and hence do the testing of them in their laboratories for standards checking purposes. All the procedures and guidelines with which the working in laboratories happen are all provided by FSSAI.
  • FSSAI also helps several farmers from all over India with which they can enhance the quality of their crops. Moreover, FSSAI also offers scientific advice and technical support to the government in the case of farming and all related elements for enhancement in food production, its standards, and safety.
  • FSSAI also collects all the data regarding food safety, production, and standards. Moreover, in their data, you be able to find our the info regarding food consumption, risks regarding food production and consumption, and many more things. With the help of this data collected, they can know about several risks that can occur with such food standards, and, based on which they provide guidelines to these food production organizations.
  • When they have to take someone in their team at that time, they don’t just directly recruit him/her. They offer proper training programs for the users who want to get involved in the team of FSSAI.
  • FSSAI also offers support to the development of international technical standards, which in a way or two, also helps and enhances Indi’s food safety and standards.
  • The last function of FSSAI is to provide awareness to the persons of India regarding food safety and standards.



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