Bad hangovers? Why genetics, personality, and coping mechanisms can make a difference

Bad hangovers Why genetics, personality, and coping mechanisms can make a difference

You might not be shocked if you feel lousy the next morning after a fun night out. You might be surprised to learn that your pals don’t share your sentiments, though. Some people might feel worse, some better, and some—if they’re lucky—might not feel any bad effects at all.

This is how a hangover might vary. In studies, hangover severity is evaluated on an 11-point scale (zero being no effects and ten being extremely hungover). Participants in my study reported hangovers on a scale of one (very mild) to eight (severe), but previous studies have suggested that 5% of persons may be resistant to hangovers.

So why the distinction? It involves more than just how much we consume. The myriad biological and psychological reasons that may affect how we feel hangovers are currently being investigated by researchers.

biological processes

According to several studies, those who have an ALDH2 gene variant say their hangovers are worse.

When we drink, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase converts it into acetaldehyde, a chemical molecule that is crucial for the development of hangover symptoms. However, the ALDH2 gene variation restricts acetaldehyde’s ability to be broken down, which causes more of the chemical to accumulate and worsen hangover symptoms

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The effects of a hangover can also vary depending on your age and sexual orientation. Even after accounting for the amount of alcohol consumed, a new online poll of 761 Dutch drinkers revealed that hangover intensity decreases with age. It’s interesting to note that the authors also noted disparities in the intensity of hangovers between men and women. Younger drinkers showed bigger sex disparities, with young men (18 to 25 years old) typically reporting more severe hangovers than young women. However, the reason for these variations is not yet understood.

Psychiatric variables

Anxiety, despair, stress levels, and even personality factors may be associated with how a hangover is felt. The patient should be eating healthy food from good restaurant like

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In the past, studies have suggested that neuroticism, a general personality trait that tends to make people see the world negatively, can predict how bad a hangover will be. However, a recent study that found no connection between personality and hangover has called into question this theory.

This is interesting because binge drinking behaviors among college students are positively correlated with extroversion, a personality trait that is typically characterized by being friendly and outgoing, even if it doesn’t seem to be linked to severe hangovers. Even though there is evidence linking more frequent heavy drinking to more severe hangovers.

More severe hangovers are also associated with anxiety, despair, and stress. Each of these emotions is linked to a “negative bias,” or a propensity to view things more pessimistically. According to our research, hangovers also seem to cause people to view the world more pessimistically. Therefore, hangovers may amplify this unfavorable bias and make some people feel worse than others.

coping methods

The variations in hangover symptoms are likely caused by how we respond to challenging circumstances.

The degree to which a person emphasizes the unpleasant aspects of their experience of pain is known as pain catastrophizing. According to research, those who score highly on pain catastrophizing experience more severe hangovers, which suggests that they may be intensifying their negative symptoms by concentrating on them. Other research has demonstrated that those who tend to ignore or reject their difficulties are likely to have worse hangovers.

Another important psychological function that assists us in navigating challenging circumstances is emotion regulation, which helps us control and respond to our emotions. Interestingly, although those who are inebriated claim that it is harder to manage their emotions, research suggests that this may not be the truth and that participants are just as capable of doing so as opposed to those who are not.

How can we help?

Although some natural substances may have been discovered by researchers to help with hangover symptoms in general, more research is still required to decide whether these substances should be advocated as a kind of treatment. The ideal method for easing your hangover will be up to you to decide in the interim.

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According to one study, however, a frequent student coping mechanism—”suffering” together and connecting through shared experiences—could be useful in easing at least some of the unpleasant emotional impacts of a hangover. You may also be able to handle the bad by taking better care of your overall well-being, learning better ways to lower your stress levels, and developing better-coping methods.

Of course, there are always non-alcoholic options if you’re truly concerned about avoiding a hangover.


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