Customer Experience Lab training

Customer Experience Fundamental Training Contents

During the Customer Experience – Fundamentals training course, you will learn about the challenges and benefits of customer experience to implement it and use customer feedback to repair existing processes. You will also learn to co-construct new offers, create and share internal CX programs; to build a customer journey by identifying interactions. Finally, you will learn how to create governance of the customer experience.

Customer Experience Lab training methods

Customer Experience Lab training is based on tools and methods to effectively implement the Customer Experience transformation. In short, our training is based on concrete cases and practical cases. Our trainer responds to the specific issues and problems of participants in their company with a personalized approach. Our Customer Experience training programs are a moment of exchange of best practices where everyone is enriched by the Customer Experience programs and achievements of the other participants. Finally, you will come out of this professional training being able to implement an operational variation of your customer experience strategy.

Acquired at the end of training in the fundamentals of Customer Experience

At the end of the two days of training, you will master the fundamentals of the customer experience: you know how to develop an internal customer culture, collect customer feedback and use it, manage the design of customer journeys, and manage the experience clients.

Target audiences

This training is more particularly intended for directors and managers of customer experience, marketing, quality, support centers or customer services.


“80% of workshops and practice”. Would you like a theoretical customer experience training without any changes on the “business as usual” mode? No, then take collective action!

Very often the customer journey, listening to the voice of the customer, customer culture, KPI projects remain pieces of a puzzle without coherence… Because many companies are working on their customer experience with fragmented initiatives that are struggling to be visible. To build a clear customer experience for all, distinctive and impacting the future, it is necessary to succeed in mobilizing the company’s decision-makers. And consequently, instill a change in standards and operating modes. It is a cross-cutting issue and only coordinated, top-down change will yield real results. This change must come from the management, from the General Management. And it must support in a proactive manner.

So to launch or broaden your action plan, to mobilize and create the energy of change in your company, we offer 2 days of seminars and collaborative workshops to define your priorities and specificities Customer Experience. 80% of this seminar will be dedicated to co-construction in order to provide you with your priorities for action at the end of the session on 4 pillars of the Customer Experience.


  • Engage the members of the COMEX / CODIR / BU Directors / Customer Experience Department on the management of a program that they will have co-constructed
  • Develop a group dynamic, to manage and develop the CX over time
  • Co-construct what to prioritize in a Customer Experience program
  • Bring together the key decision-makers of your company to federate across silos and multiply the CX impact
  • Define a solid action plan to directly start the necessary change in and with all teams.

Experience about training

I am part of a department that brings together customer experience, marketing, and communication. I wanted to take the training course “putting the customer experience at the heart of its marketing strategy” to better understand my colleagues of the customer experience and work even better together. This training gave me food for thought, especially on our roadmap. I loved working on customer engagement and customer journeys. These two themes have a real resonance for a Marketing product manager! The real plus of this training is the trainer. This is the first time that I have dealt with such an interesting trainer.

Trainer brings a method, content, and shares many examples. We see that trainer’s talking about something she knows, that trainer has practiced and that trainer is not limited to training. I not only had a great time, but I also had a real encounter. Humanly, it was great! Besides, I put a 10/10 on the recommendation scale!


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