There are instances when people lose driving licenses for various reasons. For whatever reason, losing your license can be frustrating as this will hinder you from using your car for that specific period. Below are ways on how to clear your driving record:

Applying For a Driving License Renewal

One of the common issues on how to clear your driving license is by renewing it. This can be done in various ways, and one is by applying for a renewal online. Although some countries do not allow people to apply for a renewal, there are still drivers who have decided to do this to use the cars again while having valid documents. Just make sure that you ask all the questions you need before starting the application process to avoid missing out on any important details needed.

Using Special Clearing Services

Another way to clear a driving license is by using special clearing services from different websites or even from your local registry. There are cases when these clearing services provide incentive programs that drivers can take advantage of. This means that you can pay a certain amount of money for the privilege of having your license back soon.

Using The Department Of Motor Vehicles

Since the DMVs only give out driving licenses, these are considered one of the best ways to clear your driving license. Although this process is very extensive and might be difficult for some people to go through, DMV’s main priority is to keep the clients safe while traveling on the roads or highways. The DMV’s want everyone to have valid driving licenses to avoid any problems with them.

Appear Before Court

Another way to clear your driving license is by appearing in court. The ticket will be made public, and the police department will issue a statement that you can use as proof of appearance and clearing of charges. You must bring at least two documents: an official and personal identification card. The date and time for your scheduled court appearance should also be included on the document, so you know when to go ahead and show up.

Proof Of Compliance

Providing proof of compliance will help you clear your driving record. However, this only applies if you get caught committing any violation regarding speeding tickets and not red-light violations. You must submit three certified speedometer reports showing that you were not speeding when caught violating traffic rules. Once these documents are complete, go ahead and file your proof of compliance with the court.

Plead Not Guilty

This will also help you in clearing your driving record. Just make sure that you let the court know about your intention of entering a not guilty plea before the scheduled date for trial. A not guilty plea will result in postponement of the proceedings since it will require time to collect evidence and undergo processing, which is why this option should be made available only if you are serious about fighting for your innocence. It is also advised that you request an attorney to help you in your case.

In case the options above are not successful, you can consider getting a foreign driver’s license so you can get your driving license. This process is not easy and requires a lot of documents and higher fees, but offers you the option of driving your car again.

If all else fails, there is always one last resort to clear driving license records: enter into a Plea Bargain Agreement which means pleading guilty in exchange for lesser charges. This option is only advisable if you feel guilty and sorry for violating driving rules.


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