How To Engage Your Children in Learning

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6-7 years cute child learning mathematics from computer.

You know how important it is for your children to begin learning right away and settle into a life-long love of learning. You can help that along by giving your children an educational boost. Read on for some ideas about how to do this.


The first and best way to instill a love of learning in your children is to read to them. Begin right away, even before they can understand, because then they will associate reading and stories with love, attention and comfort. As your children grow, provide plenty of books of all kinds according to their interests, and make sure at least some of them are old-fashioned paper books. Kids should discover an appreciation for the feel of books in their hands. Reading is the perfect way for them to work on holistic language acquisition.

Creative Play

Also, engage your kids in creative play. Let them make up stories, and don’t hesitate to enter into role-playing games with them. Provide plenty of toys like dolls, blocks and educational playsets, and then enjoy watching your kids learn and grow.


Games can provide a boost in learning, too. Purchase a set of board games, and play them with your children. Focus on games that build skills like counting, letter recognition, memory and decision-making. As your kids grow, you can introduce them to card games and to more advanced word and strategy games.


Taking your children on outings can also contribute to their education. Bring them to the library and to history and art museums. Organize nature walks and outdoor scavenger hunts. Set up tours at the local police station or fire department. Take them to concerts and plays. Kids will have so much fun that they won’t even realize they’re learning, but you’ll know.

As a parent, you are your children’s first and primary educator, so start them young so that their love of learning will have a firm foundation.


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