OEM Mechanical Keyboards vs. Custom Builds: Which is Right for You?


Mechanical keyboards have gained popularity for their durability, tactile feedback, and overall typing experience. When deciding to invest in a mechanical keyboard, you’ll encounter two main options: OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) mechanical keyboards and custom builds. Each has its unique advantages and drawbacks, making it essential to understand which option aligns with your needs and preferences. This article delves into the key differences between OEM mechanical keyboards and custom builds to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding OEM Mechanical Keyboards

OEM mechanical keyboards are pre-assembled keyboards produced by established brands. These keyboards are designed and manufactured according to the company’s specifications and are ready to use right out of the box.

Advantages of OEM Mechanical Keyboards

  1. Convenience and Availability: One of the most significant advantages of OEM keyboards is their convenience. They are widely available in electronics stores and online, and they come pre-assembled, allowing you to start typing or gaming immediately.
  2. Brand Reliability and Support: Established brands like Logitech, Corsair, and Razer offer OEM mechanical keyboards that come with warranties and customer support. This ensures that you have a point of contact if you encounter any issues.
  3. Quality and Consistency: OEM keyboards often undergo rigorous quality control. This consistency ensures that you best mechanical keyboard manufacturers receive a reliable product with a uniform typing experience.
  4. Price Range: OEM mechanical keyboards are available at various price points, making them accessible to a broad audience. You can find budget-friendly options as well as high-end models with premium features.

Drawbacks of OEM Mechanical Keyboards

  1. Limited Customization: OEM keyboards come with fixed designs and features. While some models offer programmable keys or RGB lighting, your ability to customize the keyboard’s appearance and functionality is limited.
  2. Less Personalization: For enthusiasts who want a keyboard tailored to their specific needs and preferences, OEM keyboards may fall short. You are confined to the manufacturer’s design choices.

Exploring Custom Mechanical Keyboards

Custom mechanical keyboards are built from individual components selected by the user. This process allows for a high degree of personalization, from the key switches to the keycaps and case.

Advantages of Custom Mechanical Keyboards

  1. Complete Personalization: Custom builds offer unparalleled customization. You can choose the exact key switches that match your typing style, the keycap materials and colors, and even the layout of the keyboard.
  2. Unique Aesthetics: With custom keyboards, you have the freedom to create a unique look that reflects your personal style. This includes custom keycaps, cases, and even custom lighting setups.
  3. Enhanced Typing Experience: By selecting each component based on your preferences, you can create a keyboard that offers a superior typing experience tailored specifically to you. This includes choosing switches with the desired actuation force and travel distance.
  4. Community and Knowledge: Building a custom keyboard immerses you in a passionate community of keyboard enthusiasts. This can be a rewarding experience, offering access to a wealth of knowledge and support.

Drawbacks of Custom Mechanical Keyboards

  1. Cost: Custom mechanical keyboards can be significantly more expensive than OEM options. High-quality components, such as premium switches and custom keycaps, can quickly add up.
  2. Time and Effort: Building a custom keyboard requires a considerable investment of time and effort. You need to research components, source them from various suppliers, and assemble the keyboard yourself. This can be daunting for beginners.
  3. Potential for Errors: If you’re new to building keyboards, there’s a risk of making mistakes during assembly. Incorrectly soldered switches or incompatible components can lead to functional issues.

Which is Right for You?

The choice between an OEM mechanical keyboard and a custom build depends on your priorities, budget, and level of interest in keyboard customization.

Considerations for Choosing an OEM Mechanical Keyboard

  1. Ease of Use: If you prefer a hassle-free experience with minimal setup, an OEM mechanical keyboard is the way to go. It’s ideal for those who want a reliable keyboard without the need for extensive customization.
  2. Budget: OEM keyboards are generally more affordable, making them a great option if you’re on a tight budget or don’t want to invest heavily in a keyboard.
  3. Reliability: If you value the backing of a well-known brand and the assurance of customer support, OEM keyboards provide peace of mind.

Considerations for Opting for a Custom Mechanical Keyboard

  1. Personalization: If having a keyboard that reflects your personal style and preferences is important, a custom build offers the highest level of personalization.
  2. Typing Experience: For those who seek a typing experience tailored to their exact specifications, the ability to choose each component makes custom builds superior.
  3. Hobbyist Enthusiasm: If you enjoy DIY projects and being part of a niche community, building a custom keyboard can be a fulfilling hobby.


Both OEM and custom mechanical keyboards have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. OEM mechanical keyboards are ideal for those who prioritize convenience, reliability, and affordability. In contrast, custom builds are perfect for enthusiasts who seek complete control over their keyboard’s design and functionality, despite the higher cost and effort involved. Ultimately, the right choice depends on your personal needs, preferences, and willingness to invest time and money into your keyboard.


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