Sports Nutrition: Proper Nutrition for Sports

Sports Nutrition
Sports Nutrition

Proper Nutrition for Sports

If you are play sports in your daily then you may be worry about proper nutrion for sports here i will explain in detail proper nutrition for sports.


It is very important to replenish the lack of water from the body before, after and after activities. It is safer to use non-carbonated mineral water, herbal juices or vitamin-mineral beverages (no carbonated beverages such as Cola, Fanta , Sprite, etc. can be used) to do this. The most effective way to replace water loss is to gradually drink in small amounts of 25-50 ml during exercise. The total amount of fluid consumed during a workout can reach over 200-250 ml. You should drink up to 350-400 ml of liquid during exercise.

If you want to learn more about your diet and nutrition then concern expert Newtrition coach.


Some people try not to eat before playing sports, but this is a big mistake. About an hour before training, you just need to eat. The calorie content should be approximately 200 kilocalories for this meal. This can be carbohydrate foods such as salad or slices of diced fruit. If you are going to work out intensely, a small amount of protein does not hurt.


During exercise, as a rule, do not eat. An exception can be made only if you are suddenly overtaken by an overwhelming feeling of hunger. However, if you are going on a long-hour bike ride, be sure to bring some food with you, such as a bag of nuts. Well, actually, nuts are a very sporty snack, since they help you to regain strength.


Do not deny yourself food after training. The body simply needs to restore losses, and above all, at the expense of carbohydrates. But don’t overdo it! In food, proteins should be present in moderation, not to mention vitamins and minerals. A good option would be a bowl of rice, oatmeal, or, better yet, legumes (beans, peas, beans). After exercising, nutrition should be organized so that there is no long break in time (more than 45 minutes) between training and subsequent meals.


In sports nutrition, you should always avoid:

Tea / coffee with sugar. If you cannot drink unsweetened and for some reason do not accept a sugar substitute (and you should not abuse it!), Then turn to honey at least-you’re not going to get slimmer from it, but at least there’s going to be some benefit.

Baking-the richer / savourier the loaf is, the more damage it does. By the way, it is best to rule out bread from your diet.

Sweets, especially caramels – they are much more harmful than chocolate ones, although it is advisable to refuse chocolate too.

As for the cakes, I think, it’s already clear – there is such a mixture of fats and carbohydrates – it’s just awful!

“Sprawling” pasta-also a sports food is high-quality pasta made from durum wheat, but cheap muck is pure hurt!

With active sports (during the period of weight gain), you must eat a day:

200-250 g fat-free cottage cheese.

A portion of porridge – any cereal for breakfast or for lunch, a side dish of cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal). Durum wheat pasta is acceptable as a side dish, especially if you eat pasta after training.

200-250 grams of fish / poultry / meat, this is the minimum, you can have lunch and dinner – only for dinner you need to replace the starchy side dish with green vegetables.

2-3 eggs (for breakfast or dinner).

In every diet, including sports medicine, raw vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, onions, greens) are very healthy-0,4-0,5 kg per day.

Fruit-no more than 1 peach, apple or grapefruit, as much as you want in the morning, after 15 years. I don’t recommend eating bananas in the afternoon, unless you have an evening workout – then a banana and a glass of skim milk or a protein shake right after workout are the most suitable food.

Eating at least 5 times a day, avoiding gigantic servings is a sure way to build fat, not muscle.

As a “treat”, if you really want to, for sports nutrition you can use:

Dried fruits.


Jelly desserts.

Bitter chocolate.

Ice cream.


200 g fat-free cottage cheese, oatmeal (3-4 tablespoons dry), an apple or orange, a large cup of unsweetened coffee with skim milk.

Snack or a glass or two of low-fat kefir or 100-150 g of cottage cheese or an apple (orange) and 50 g of cheese

Garnish (cereals or pasta), meat / fish / poultry (200-250 g), herbs.

Look at something you haven’t eaten yet, you can have a potato salad, you can have cottage cheese, you can have 1-2 eggs, you can have a low-fat glass of kefir or skim milk, so you don’t even want to feed.

Green salad and meat / fish / poultry, or cottage cheese (150-200 g), or eggs (best of all-white cabbage + greens, fresh cucumber is possible).

A glass of low-fat kefir, or green tea with low-fat milk, before going to bed.

In the morning between meals, if you stick to sports nutrition, you can eat an apple, or an orange, or a grapefruit, in general, something made from fruits. You can also have an afternoon snack, just avoid bananas and persimmons at this time.


In order to maintain vigor, activity and performance during intense sports, special attention must be paid to recuperation. Those. eat properly.

One of the main methods of accelerating the recovery of the body is the use of approved pharmacological preparations and specialized food products. First of all, these are highly valuable tools:






These substances simply must be in food. Even if you do not use diet or sports nutrition, they are not used for energy or for building tissues. They are irreplaceable regulators of biochemical processes in the body.

General recommendation for the dosage of vitamins for those who are actively involved in sports: increase the prophylactic portion recommended for an adult by one and a half times with maintenance loads and by 1.5-2 times with intense developmental loads.


For the liver, athletic events establish unique requirements. Hepatoprotectors, that is to say, agents that protect the liver from injury, are recommended for prevention. Mild-acting agents of this plant origin category are favoured, particularly good milk thistle, artichoke, and fume.


The drugs in this group do not directly affect the development of speed, strength or endurance. But an unexpected cold is always undesirable and even more catastrophic in its consequences for solving sports problems when it happens in preparation for performances. To prevent a decline in immune forces from interfering with sports, keep in mind safe pharmacological means of correcting immunity.


This is not doping, but valuable goods derived from natural raw materials, plants or livestock, which are allowed. Since multiple adaptogens have a significantly different effect, mixing and alternating adaptogens is suggested, mutually reinforcing the positive effect. There are no side impacts when using the prescribed portions and the timing of their intake. In the opposite, attitude, self-confidence, the motivation to train are strengthened thanks to them.

The most productive adaptogens

Vegetable : Eleutherococcus, Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng. Tea from Paraguay, guarana, cola, green coffee. and pollen.

Animal origin : royal jelly

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