How to Apply for Indian Visa for Belgian and Italian Citizens

How to Apply for Indian Visa for Belgian and Italian Citizens
How to Apply for Indian Visa for Belgian and Italian Citizens

The government of India has introduced a system called e-Visa that allows Belgian and Italian citizens to visit the country without having to go to an Indian Embassy.

The process is simple and fast, and you can get an e-visa from anywhere in the world. It takes just a few minutes and is easy to complete.


If you want to visit India but don’t have an Indian visa, you can apply for one online using the e-Visa. The e-Visa is an electronic travel document for citizens of over 160 nations worldwide that allows them to apply for a visa without having to visit the Indian Embassy or Consulate.

The e-Visa was introduced to decongest the embassies and consulates of India so that travelers could travel with less hassle and expense. The e-Visa application process is simple and straightforward and can be completed from the comfort of your home or office.

You can apply for an Indian e-Visa by visiting the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website. This is a free service and it is available to citizens of countries that have signed an agreement with the Indian government allowing them to obtain e-Visas.

Applicants must complete the entire application form and provide a valid email address to receive their e-Visa in their inbox. They should also submit two recent passport-style photos, a return or onward ticket out of the country and details about their trip within and outside of India.

In addition, you must provide proof that you have medical insurance that covers your trip to India. The insurance must be in place for at least three months after your return date from India or the Schengen Area, if you are visiting other countries during your trip.

If you have a spouse or unmarried child under age 21 listed as your dependent on your visa application, they must also submit an original copy of their birth certificate that proves the relationship between them and you. These documents must be in a format that can be verified by a professional and notarized.

When you arrive at the airport, immigration officers will check your documentation and if everything looks fine, they will stamp your passport and give you a sticker visa that states you are in possession of a valid e-Visa. You must have this sticker with you during your trip to India.

There are a few different types of INDIAN VISA FOR BELGIAN CITIZENS and INDIAN VISA FOR ITALIAN CITIZENS who wish to visit the country. These include e-Tourist, e-Business and e-Medical visas. The e-Tourist visa is good for tourists who wish to visit the country to partake in sightseeing activities, attend festivals, or pay visits to family and friends.

The e-Business visa is for those who wish to do business in India. The e-Business visa is non-extendable and non-convertible. It is not valid for travel to Protected/Restricted or Cantonment areas of India.

In addition to the e-Visa, you may need a letter from an organization in India certifying that your visit is authorized by a legitimate company or government agency. This letter must explain your role and duties, how you satisfy the requirements of the visa, and why you qualify for this visa. It should also indicate the level of education, experience and qualifications that you have gained in your position.

You should also provide a letter from your doctor, hospital or clinic in India certifying that you have a medical condition that requires treatment while you are in the country. This should include an accurate diagnosis and a list of all medications you are taking.


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