Why Industrial UPS Batteries Are Critical to Providing Reliable Power in Transportation Industry Systems?

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When selecting an industrial UPS (uninterrupted power supply), businesses have several criteria they consider, which include risk tolerance, environment, exact application, and more. Moreover, this can easily become a daunting task, but if one has an expert that can guide them beside them, it can become a lot easier. 

And, if one opts for Schneider Electric secure power industrial, then this is exactly what one shall get. They have an online tool that walks one through the selection process and helps identify the handful of UPS products which will be the right fit for the exact application.

Industrial UPSs Make It a Point To Put Safety First

When it comes to selecting the UPS battery for any given commercial or industrial application, two things that you should keep in mind is uptime and safety. When talking about safety, it includes not only the safety of process or production but also the safety of your employees. 

For instance, consider an oil and gas platform out at sea. If the devices or processes that are there to maintain the safety are not functioning properly due to power failure, it could easily put the whole crew in danger from a fire. Similarly, a public building goes through a power outage at night, but the UPS that powers its emergency light fails, then whoever is present inside the building could be in danger. 

Click Through Backup Power Requirements

The list of Industrial UPS products is long, which is where the secure power industrial selection swoops in. 

First, what one needs to do is mention the country where the UPS will be installed and then comes the industrial sector. Once done, there will be an array of options to pick from, ranging from airports and automotive to healthcare, railways/subways and semiconductor.

Depending on the sector one picks, a drop-down list of applications will appear. Let us take “airports” as an example; one shall find access control and air-traffic control along with luggage screening, firefighting, and parking systems. Then one can select “oil and gas”, and the list will be quite different; it will have applications including desalters, gas turbine control, motor, and reactors. 

Once that is done, the next step is electrical characteristics. In this, options include configuration (unitary or parallel redundant, for example), input and output phase, voltage and frequency, load power rating, power factor and battery type. 

For instance, if one is thinking of a backup and oil and gas navigation system, the three-phase option will already be selected as there are no single-phase UPSs available for such an application.

Then the next step is environmental characteristics which include vibration, level, chemical, temperature, and saline ambience. The selection here will help determine whether one needs a ruggedised UPS which can withstand harsh outdoor environments or if a UPS that is intended to be installed in a controlled indoor environment will suffice.

The Final Industrial UPS Decision

After one is done going through all the selections in the selector tool, one will be presented with the list of UPSs that is well suited to one needs. With the help of this exercise, one is most likely to narrow down their choices to just a handful of UPSs, down from the hundreds of potential options. 


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